The euPOLIS Featured in Open Access Goverment – January Edition
“The euPOLIS vision: Improving well-being with nature-based solutions” article can now be found on the Open Access Goverment platform, in its January 2023 issue. “The adverse effects of urbanization have taken a toll on people’s mental and physical health, here’s how co-design and nature-based solutions…
euPOLIS Meets The Citizens – You Are An Expert, Too!
The Belgrade euPOLIS experts’ team recently facilitated the fourth workshop with citizens and passers-by of the demo location on Danube Quay. Having good weather “working” for the Belgrade team on Saturday, October 29th, there were over a hundred participants expressing interest and readiness to join…
Protecting People and the Planet
“Extreme and unprecedented weather events, severe droughts, floods, and raging wildfires show us, time and again, the devastating impacts of climate change on people. Home to more than half of the world’s population, cities find themselves on the front line of climate change and exposed…
Stakeholders Conference By EuropaBON & Biodiversa+
EuropaBON’s second stakeholder hybrid conference will take place on 8 November 2022 in Brussels, Belgium. For the organization of this stakeholder conference, EuropaBON is partnering with Biodiversa+ to bring together the wider biodiversity monitoring community. This event will provide the opportunity for a range of…
The First euPOLIS In-Person Meet-Up
After two years of individual work in pandemic conditions, members of the euPolis project consortium met for the first time face-to-face on September 29th and 30th in the Zornić House ethnic complex on the outskirts of Belgrade and also used this occasion to visit two…
euPOLIS Goes Live: Beyond-The-State-of-The-Art Achievements
Organized by Mikser and ICL the event will hold two morning sessions presenting our partners’ innovations achieved through their work in euPOLIS. To sum up the impact and importance of introducing the NBS into urban cores and our daily lives, we will have a panel…
euPOLIS @ NetworkNature
On Tuesday 27th September, the NetworkNature annual event will take place in Brussels, at the Museum of Natural Sciences. In this event, the four sister projects euPOLIS, IN-HABIT, goGREENROUTES, and VARCITIES will participate and have a joint presentation of their clustering activities. From the NetworkNature website: “The event…
Implementing Inclusive and Just NBS – The euPOLIS Perspective
“Implementing Inclusive and Just Nature-Based Solutions: An Interactive Online Workshop in which the euPOLIS perspective will be presented is taking place on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM · 1 hr. 30 min. (Europe/Brussels). Nature-based Solutions (NBS) for EU cities and regions…
Belgrade demo site – The Zemun Oasis
The Belgrade euPOLIS experts’ team recently held an outdoor workshop with the neighbors and passers-by of one of the local demo sites, the Danube Quay. The participants were presented with the draft design of the demo park and an eco-edu center, created by the winning…
euPOLIS at the EU Green Week
Blue Green Healthy Cities for Happy People: The euPOLIS approach in modeling Nature-based Solutions impacts in integrated urban planning & design webinar will take place under the umbrella of EU Green Week events, on June 1st, starting at 1 PM (UTC+01:00 Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London),…