euPOLIS @ NetworkNature
On Tuesday 27th September, the NetworkNature annual event will take place in Brussels, at the Museum of Natural Sciences.
In this event, the four sister projects euPOLIS, IN-HABIT, goGREENROUTES, and VARCITIES will participate and have a joint presentation of their clustering activities.
From the NetworkNature website:
“The event will focus on the Network Nature semester theme “Nature-based solutions and Standards“, to ensure the quality, effectiveness, and scale of implementation that helps deliver the European Green Deal and the challenges related to biodiversity, climate change, and socio-economic development. Exchange of knowledge, capacity building, and dialogue across stakeholders and sectors is key to developing joint action for upscaling NBS. NetworkNature hosts an annual event to take stock of achievements across EU-funded projects (mainly H2020, Horizon Europe) and provide the opportunity to learn more about the state-of-the-art developments in NBS evidence, practice, and policy.”

On the following day, Wednesday 28th, Brussel will also host the Network Nature Taskforces Cluster Meeting. The event will gather NetworkNature partners, the European Commission, and Taskforce members, providing opportunities for knowledge-sharing, networking, and collaboration, for the first time in person.
The meeting will foster dialogue and collaboration across the different Task Forces, create synergies and explore new ideas for future cooperation and applicability of results to practitioners and users. Recent developments, outcomes and products of the Task Forces will be presented and discussed as well as updates from NetworkNature (including recent publications, products, case studies, and events). The EU nature-based solutions policy context will be presented and discussed, providing insights on recent developments (e.g. the EU Restoration Law) and ground for discussions on the role of nature-based solutions and the work of the Task Forces in creating impact and achieving biodiversity and climate objectives. Three group-style sessions will be organized to enable participants to interact, collaborate and learn on selected topics.
MODERATORS: Veronica Ruiz and Susanna Gionfra, IUCN.