euPOLIS in Trebinje
As part of the implementation of the project activities of the euPOLIS project, a lecture was held in the assembly hall of the city administration of Trebinje on the topic “Integral improvement of the environment for the needs of innovative economic development of the city of Trebinje – (Blue-green solutions – solutions inspired by nature).
Photos: Courtesy of the City of Trebinje

Prof. Dr. Čedo Maksimović from Imperial College London gave a lecture on implementing urban planning solutions inspired by nature.
Professor Maksimović introduced the audience to innovative, healthy, more humane, and cheaper technologies that would be adapted to local conditions, especially in those locations whose environmental values need to be regenerated and permanently preserved.

Business people and citizens had the opportunity to learn about the importance of the mentioned topic, as well as to give their ideas and suggestions that could be used for the development of future projects in this area.
As a reminder, the City of Trebinje is recognized in this team as one of the “follower” cities whose task is to take over and implement euPOLIS solutions.
This article is taken and adapted from the portal.