euPOLIS featured in Masawa mental wellness impact platform through Sentio Labs
The euPOLIS partner Sentio Labs was recently featured in the Masawa mental wellness impact platform digital magazine through its parent company Sentio Solutions.
The euPOLIS partner Sentio Solutions was recently featured in the Masawa mental wellness impact platform digital magazine.
Masawa tackles mental wellness to all through impact investing, Nurture Capital advisory services, and ecosystem weaving, and in this report explores the interaction between mental health and the physical quality of our built environment: first examining how urban life can have detrimental effects on our mental health, and discuss the barriers to creating healthy places.
Furthermore, this issue presents the ideal city, one that meets the psychological needs of its inhabitants, and discover current spaces that are prioritizing residents’ wellbeing, and then considers how to overcome some of the obstacles to healthy placemaking, discussing the potential of collaboration and innovation to create resilient urban ecosystems.
This is where two sisters Horizon2020 projects, the euPOLIS and HEART come into the spotlight, presented by our partner Sentio Labs experts in Biomarkers and Digital Therapeutics aiming to bring objective data and measurement in the way we diagnose, manage and care for Mental Health.
To what extent do urban landscapes represent a threat to our wellbeing? How can we harness the power of tech for healthier cities, and shift the focus of urban design and development towards mental wellbeing…?
Read the whole issue HERE.