Belgrade demo site – The Zemun Oasis
The Belgrade euPOLIS experts’ team recently held an outdoor workshop with the neighbors and passers-by of one of the local demo sites, the Danube Quay. The participants were presented with the draft design of the demo park and an eco-edu center, created by the winning…
euPOLIS at the EU Green Week
Blue Green Healthy Cities for Happy People: The euPOLIS approach in modeling Nature-based Solutions impacts in integrated urban planning & design webinar will take place under the umbrella of EU Green Week events, on June 1st, starting at 1 PM (UTC+01:00 Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London),…
Are Food Delivery Apps Making Us Obese?
Well above half of the European adults and one in three children are either overweight or obese, and this stat stands for all countries of the “old continent”. In some regions, these diseases prevailed in children and teenagers during the pandemic. However, the numbers are…
Mental Health: An Orphan Of Urban Design
While in rural environments the mental health stays a taboo, due to more often than not a patriarchal social patterns, it is the cities that we associate with higher rates of most mental health problems: an almost 40% higher risk of depression, over 20% more…
Join The City of Trebinje In Celebrating The International Earth Day
The City of Trebinje and the Public Institution “Ecology and Security” traditionally organize the action of arranging the city this year regarding April 22 – the International Earth Day. Photo: The action will be held on April 19, and the gathering of participants is…
The Deeper The Pockets, The Higher The Pollution
The European Commission adopted recently its State of the Energy Union Reports for 2021, taking stock of the progress that the EU is making in delivering the clean energy transition, nearly two years after the launch of the European Green Deal. While there are a…
World Health Day 2022: Our Planet, Our Health
On World Health Day, 7 April 2021, the WHO invites citizens to join a new campaign to build a fairer, healthier world. The theme for this year’s World Health Day is “Our Planet, Our Health”. Amid the ongoing pandemic and pollution growing on the planet,…
Scientifically Proven – Being Dirty Makes You Happy
Despite the aggressive „kills 99% of germs“ cleaning products advertisements, we very well know that letting some dust sit on our home surfaces, and non-sterile environments boost our immune system, make us more resilient to allergens, and let’s admit it, gives us more time to…
A Thousand Planetrees for Beautiful Trebinje
A new project called “A thousand planetrees for more beautiful Trebinje” was presented recently to businessmen, investors, and representatives of city departments. The planned planting will be carried out in the next three years, and it includes the planting of park sycamore seedlings, as well…
EU Green Week 2022
EU Green Week is the key event in the EU environment policy calendar. Organized by the Directorate-General for Environment of the European Commission, the conference is an annual opportunity to debate and discuss European environmental policy. It attracts policymakers, leading environmentalists, stakeholders, and other interested…