Tag: #participation

euPOLIS @ NetworkNature

On Tuesday 27th September, the NetworkNature annual event will take place in Brussels, at the Museum of Natural Sciences. In this event, the four sister projects euPOLIS, IN-HABIT, goGREENROUTES, and VARCITIES will participate and have a joint presentation of their clustering activities. From the NetworkNature website: “The event…

Architecture Students for Zemun Quay

The expert jury of the euPOLIS project in cooperation with the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade selected three student works from the competition for urban-architectural conceptual design of the blue-green park on Zemun Quay with the design of a building for the euPOLIS eco-edu center…

The Piraeus NBS Talks with Citizens

The City of Piraeus hosted an online workshop in mid-January inviting city planners, contractors, and professionals of landscape projects in the public and private sector as well to an open discussion, aiming to engage local experts in the design and implementation of the pilot interventions…

Citizens demand Healthy Cities

The euPolis project has reached an important milestone. Four Front-Runner (FR) cities: Copenhagen, Lodz, Belgrade, and Piraeus have conducted voluminous surveys among the citizens of chosen demo locations in each city, along with educational workshops, aiming to map the people’s daily urban challenges, but also…

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