Scientifically Proven – Being Dirty Makes You Happy
Despite the aggressive „kills 99% of germs“ cleaning products advertisements, we very well know that letting some dust sit on our home surfaces, and non-sterile environments boost our immune system, make us more resilient to allergens, and let’s admit it, gives us more time to…
Architecture Students for Zemun Quay
The expert jury of the euPOLIS project in cooperation with the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade selected three student works from the competition for urban-architectural conceptual design of the blue-green park on Zemun Quay with the design of a building for the euPOLIS eco-edu center…
Danish Architect in Belgrade: Urban Planning & Working with Nature
Danish architect Morten Rask Madsen as a partner in the euPOLIS project (BySpektrum) will hold a lecture “Urban planning – cooperation with nature”, on Friday, March 25 at 1 pm in Belgrade, Serbia in the Technical Faculty Building. The lecture is open to anyone interested…
EU Green Week 2022
EU Green Week is the key event in the EU environment policy calendar. Organized by the Directorate-General for Environment of the European Commission, the conference is an annual opportunity to debate and discuss European environmental policy. It attracts policymakers, leading environmentalists, stakeholders, and other interested…
Augmented NBS for Cities: Embedding technologies and fostering social inclusion in urban strategies
The experience of NBS in place is now mature with numerous applications. However, the question of the added value in terms of innovation in the so-far applied solutions arises. The special issue of Open Access Elsevier Journal aims to collect best practices on how technologies,…
Benefits and opportunities for nature-based enterprises in EU-funded projects
NBS for Water Management – Community Workshop will be held on 23 February 2022, 16:00 – 17:00 CET, by Connecting Nature platform. Have you ever considered participating in an EU-funded research and innovation project? Would you like to know about the benefits and opportunities for your…
Call for young Architects!
The European Horizon 2020 euPolis project is announcing a student competition for the development of an urban-architectural conceptual design for a blue-green park on the Zemun quay with the euPolis eco-educational center building. The competition is open to architecture students of master’s and doctoral studies…
Villa Turrisi admitted for funding by the Ministry of Infrastructures
The euPolis Palermo demo location, Villa Turrisi has been admitted for funding by the Ministry of Infrastructures, with resources from the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan). The completion of the works is expected by March 2026. The project presented by the Municipality of Palermo…
NBS and Territory: Taking Care of Nature with Nature
The article “Nature-Based Solutions and territory: Taking care of Nature with Nature”, was recently published in the new Monographic issue of the magazine RETICULA, by the euPolis partner City of Palermo (G. Liuzzo). The article explains how Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) represent strategic environmental restoration and…
Citizens demand Healthy Cities
The euPolis project has reached an important milestone. Four Front-Runner (FR) cities: Copenhagen, Lodz, Belgrade, and Piraeus have conducted voluminous surveys among the citizens of chosen demo locations in each city, along with educational workshops, aiming to map the people’s daily urban challenges, but also…