Capacity Building Expert Training in Palermo

Training event on NBS (Nature-Based Solutions) and resilience of the urban environment to climate change within the euPOLIS project will take place in Palermo, one of our Follower Cities on October 9, starting at 15.00 PM local time.

Aiming to come up with sustainable, humane, and democratic solutions to rising climate change and its consequences, as well as strategies for the effects of global warming, the NBS is becoming more and more present and obvious answer, tapping into all aspects of the transformation that needs to take place: social, cultural, economic, environmental, and health-driven.

On 9 October 2024, at the Ecomuseo Mare Memoria Viva, an afternoon of in-depth study and training on these issues will be held, offered within the European euPOLIS project which aims to improve public health in cities and redevelop urban areas by introducing nature-based solutions in planning practices.

The experts inside and outside of the euPOLIS consortium will explain, also showing cases in which these solutions have been applied, how nature can help us to improve and protect biodiversity and promote urban regeneration thanks to BLUE solutions (water) and GREENS (vegetation) in urban spaces, promoting people’s well-being in terms of improving climatic, ecological and socio-economic conditions. The philosophy of euPOLIS is deeply based on citizen participation in urban planning processes, which is why, during the event, the technical-economic feasibility project of the future Villa Turrisi park in Palermo will be presented, giving those present the opportunity to provide feedback.

Our experts are:

*Dr. Arch. Stanislava Boskovic  |  Imperial College London | Research Associate, Founding Director LRL Space – Soluzioni basate sulla natura per la rigenerazione urbana.

*Prof. Anja Randjelovic |University of Belgrade | Faculty of Civil Engineering | Department of Hydrotechnical and Environmental Engineering | Assistant Professor  – Implementazione e monitoraggio delle NBS nelle città sulla base della metodologia applicata nell’ambito del progetto euPOLIS.

*Prof. Nerantzia Tzortzi, |  Associate Professor, Ph. D.  Politecnico di Milano / City of Piraeus – Soluzioni basate sulla natura nella municipalità del Pireo attraverso il progetto euPOLIS.

*Arch. Giuseppina Liuzzo | Capo Area del Settore Politiche Ambientali e Transizione Ecologica del Comune di Palermo – L’introduzione delle NBS nei regolamenti urbani.

*Pausa caffè e presentazione interattiva poster del caso studio: parco di Villa Turrisi – stato dell’arte.

*Dott. Giovanni Lupo  – Comune di Palermo  – Strumenti web gis per la promozione e lo sviluppo del parco di Villa Turrisi.

* Afroditi Mathioudaki | CDP Europe Senior Advisor | Sustainable Places – Progetti di riqualificazione ambientale costiera (progetto OCEANIDS).

*Marta Vescovi | CDP Europe Cities, States and Regions | Senior Manager – Rendicontazione e pubblicazione dei dati ambientali del Comune di Palermo.

If you are a city-planning expert, enthusiast and/or activist, register HERE to participate in our Capacity Building Expert Training in person.

The training will be given in Italian, and will only be available on the spot (no hybrid participation).

Reference website:

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